How Hiring Managers Use Your Social Media Accounts in the Screening Process

Companies are typically using social media as a way to recruit and screen job candidates, which is pretty much common knowledge.

So, if you are looking for a new job, you probably can expect potential employers to take a look at your social media sites to find out more about you. When hiring managers look at these sites, how do they use the information on it in the hiring process?

One of the main things they are looking for is how the person presents himself or herself. Does the person come across in a professional manner? Do you represent the pharmacy profession well?

Companies also look at online profiles to see if a candidate would be a good fit with the company, to get an idea of how the person might fit in with the corporate culture. Hiring managers also look at such sites to see if they can learn more about a candidate’s qualifications. They also look to see how well-rounded the person’s background is.

Companies also look at social media sites for things that might disqualify a candidate for a job. For example, if the person has a picture of himself or herself drinking a beer, many companies will immediately cross the person off the list of potential employees.

However, there is some information that companies cannot use in evaluating job candidates because it is illegal to do so. This information covers such things as a person’s age, race, religion, and marital status.

As with any information companies obtain about job candidates, businesses need to determine if it is relevant to the performance of the job.

So, whether you are looking for a job, or even if you are not, you need to make sure you keep your social media profiles up to date. Don’t neglect them. You never know who might be looking at your accounts or when. Be careful what you post on the sites: Those pictures of you and your friends partying at a nightclub might not be the best choice.

Everything on your accounts should contribute toward selling you and your expertise and pharmaceutical professionalism. Having a blog, where you write about pharmacy issues, is one way to showcase your talent and knowledge. You can also put testimonials on your site.

If you’re looking for new opportunities as a pharmacist or pharm tech, give an Rx relief® recruiter a call. We have many great opportunities for pharmacy professionals available today. We look forward to hearing from you.