Are Your Customers in Love With Their Pharmacy Experience?
The interaction patients have with their pharmacists can go a long way toward determining what kind of medical care they receive, because a pharmacist is sometimes the only medical professional they encounter.
That is why it is important that pharmacists remember the importance of their relationship with their patients. Here are a few tips on making those relationships good ones.
Show empathy for patients.
This means taking the time to listen to their problems and concerns. It means respecting their attitudes and beliefs, rather than dismissing them as unimportant. The pharmacist needs to acknowledge patients’ fears and concerns and encourage them to talk about their problems and how they feel.
Give them time, and encourage them to talk. As the pharmacist, try to put yourself in the place of the patient to understand the patient’s problems, the very definition of empathy. You need to show your patients you are really listening. You can do this by summarizing what patients have told you in your own words and asking questions to bring into focus anything that is not clear. This will also show the patients you are really listening and making an effort to understand their problems.
Try to create an environment where you are both working together toward making decisions. You can do this by providing the patient with all the information they need to make an informed decision.
Doing these things will create a relationship based on trust that will enable you to get more accurate and complete information so you can treat the patient.
Review their medications.
This is another way to build a stronger relationship with patients. Talk with them about all the medications they are taking, making sure they understand why they are taking them and they’re taking them properly. You can also discuss any cheaper alternatives that may be available; something many patients want to know about. By taking this extra step, you’ll help build trust with the patient and ensure the best possible care. This also goes a long way in establishing patient loyalty and repeat business.
At Rx relief, we take a personal interest in each of our candidates. Our staff is passionate about what they do, and works to find the right job for each person. Rx relief has received a number of awards for our service. If your healthcare organization is looking for pharmacists, give Rx relief a call today.