How Some Companies are Adapting to Remote Healthcare

Technology is making significant changes in the delivery of healthcare, and it has also opened the healthcare industry to new players from other sectors of the economy. For example, retail giants are making a move into healthcare, with companies like Best Buy, AT&T, and Comcast getting involved in remote medical care.
Helping Seniors with Remote Healthcare Tools:
Best Buy is using remote healthcare in senior living facilities. The company is putting together healthcare squads, much like its geek squads, which can make house calls for seniors who have limited mobility. The healthcare squad places sensors around an elderly person’s home to monitor eating and sleeping habits. The Best Buy squads monitor the data that the sensors produce and call the person’s house to check on them when needed.
The company has already installed its medical devices in the homes of more than a million senior citizens.
Navigating Complex Healthcare:
Comcast has partnered with the Independence Health Group in a joint venture called Quil, a digital health company for patients, healthcare providers, employers, and insurance carriers. The purpose of Quil is to help patients and healthcare providers make more informed decisions about care and help them navigate the complex healthcare system. One of the services Quil can provide, for example, is assisting patients to prepare for and recover from surgery.
Quil employees use precision data, broad healthcare knowledge, and state-of-the-art technology to deliver services.
Comcast is also in the process of putting together a healthcare service similar to Quil that can be accessed via television, which can help people take better control of their healthcare, according to the company.
Monitoring Patients:
AT&T is using its wireless services to develop ways of delivering healthcare remotely. One such service is using sensors attached to gurneys to help healthcare providers better track patients. AT&T is also working with Zebra, a company that manufactures medical bracelets, to create a device that verifies a patient’s location.
Making Health Care More Convenient:
This retail giant is also expanding its healthcare services. It is opening primary healthcare facilities to provide services to people, as well as dental care. It is part of the company’s effort to make accessing healthcare more convenient for shoppers.
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