Top 200 Drugs Quiz – How Do You Score?

If you are preparing to take the pharmacy technician national certification exam, there is a fun, interactive online study guide site available to help you master the material. It’s called, and it has quality educational materials available to help people study for the certification exam.
The site contains many different e-learning games and other interactive screens to help memorize the top 200 drug names, pharmacy abbreviations, and other information, including material on controlled substances, drug classes, prescription processing, drug laws, and drug discoveries. Some areas require a membership fee.
There are four major sections on the site, labeled Pharmacy Games, Top 200 Drugs, Drug Quizzes, and Drug Classes.
Information on the site includes a top 200 drug cheat sheet – a listing of the drug brand name and generic name, along with drug categories. The first drug on the list is Ambien, generic name zolpidem, which is classified as a sleep aid.
There is also a top 200 drug worksheet, which lists the brand name in the left column, and blank spaces in the right-hand column to enter the generic name.
One game for the drugs is called the pyramid game, which gives you a question, such as “What is the generic name for Glucophage?” The right side of the screen will boxes with the generic names of different drugs. To play the game, you place your cursor on a box and click. The game comes complete with sound effects – a buzzer sounds if you get the wrong name.
Another game is a drag and drop type of setup, where generic names are listed in boxes on one side of the screen, and brand names are listed in boxes on the other. To play, you put your cursor on a box on the left side and click, and then click on a right-side box that corresponds to the name of the drug on the left.
Another game helps you with the spelling of the drug names. The brand name of a drug appears at the top of the screen, and the player has to move the letters of the generic name into the empty boxes.
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